Learn Art the fun way - Since 2001

About Us

Chang-Studio is a professional company that seeks to establish traditional Chinese culture as a growing trend in a increasingly profit-oriented society. We here at Chang-Studio want to not just educate, but also to promote an alternative lifestyle where one is able to appreciate the arts for what it truly is. Besides the integral skills one will come to develop through the various courses we provide, Chang-Studio also offers a golden opportunity for curious and willing students to be doused in the true spirit of Art, and embark on an experience to be remembered.

It is not to say, however, that the basic techniques are negligible. In reality, the truth cannot be any further from that. The ability to conceptualize might be important, but to bring it to life from a mere idea to a brilliant artwork, that is what matters most. The various courses we offer are designed to provide the vital foundations any artists must grasp and allow students to reach a brand-new level unthought-of.

Chang-Studio enables the learner to stretch oneself and achieve the best possible. We seek to help students expand the horizons of their creativity and surpass the boundaries they have set for themselves.

As we advocate a revival of the Chinese culture in all of its mystical magnificance, many think it is inevitable that staying contemporary will be a major challenge, or perhaps hindrance, to exposing students to the entirety of Art and its beauty as a whole. We would like to offer an alternative viewpoint. Those who think Chinese culture is ancient are old in thought themselves.

We aim to imbue the next generation of youths with a burning passion for the Arts, such that it will become an intrinsic part of their lives and society itself. Chinese culture shall thus be of the past, the present and the future.


To be an instrumental ambassador in bringing about an advent of traditional Chinese culture